Automate Lifecycle Governance and Compliance for Automotive Software Systems

How To Accelerate Functional Safety in ISO 26262, SPICE, and CMMI

Polarion Automotive Solutions for OEMs and Suppliers

  • Seamless real-time collaboration
  • Built-in support for ReqIF data exchange, and/or through common document formats such as Word/Excel® or PDF®
  • Contextual visibility improves team effectiveness.
  • Comprehensive traceability and automated tracking speeds and protects functional safety compliance.
  • Model Driven development with Polarion's Diagram Editor, plus integration with Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect and with MATLAB® Simulink
  • Intuitive workflow drives rapid adoption.
  • Enabling automotive industry project templates facilitate functional safety compliance, process assessment, Agile development practices, and other objectives.
Polarion Automotive - Comments Document Combined

Unlock synergy by facilitating real-time collaboration of distributed teams via browser-based access to one centralized tool with “easy-as-Word” Polarion LiveDocs functionality.

Speed up information exchange while protecting quality via wikis, subscriptions, live dashboards, change alerts and access-controlled threaded commenting, as well as electronic signatures.

Support knowledge workers and domain experts who want to stay in their familiar environment via unique Polarion Round-trip functionality for Microsoft® Word/Excel® and ready-made plug-ins for popular 3rd-party tools such as HP® Quality Center®, Atlassian® Jira®, MATLAB®/Simulink®, DOORS® and more. Enable lossless requirements exchange with customers and suppliers through built-in ReqIF

Polarion Automotive - SPICE & CMMIReach higher SPICE & CMMI levels quickly and pass any audit or regulatory inspection through traceability that is easily implemented and guaranteed via automatic change control of every requirement from elicitation through reuse, to derivatives.

Automated workflow control, complete lifecycle traceability linking, and comprehensive automated artifact history with PDF and other outputs makes it easy to document compliance.

A Modern Requirements Management solution that helps you innovate at unprecedented speeds while improving quality and managing a complex lifecycle of compliance and regulatory standards. Find out more on the Migration Center for DOORS

Feature Model

Supplements Polarion Automotive Solutions to include new capabilities of delivering mass variation and customization, based upon Product Line Engineering (PLE) concepts.  

Allows articulation of software variety and customization in terms of features --which can be anything from functionality, supported environments, market considerations, quality attributes, business constraints, etc.

A set of artifacts for each variant are dynamically generated or determind, shaped according to the specified feature mapping --the combination of features which comprise each software variant.



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 Europe +49 711 47099-0

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Request a Demo: Polarion Automotive Solutions

Get a Polarion automotive expert to give you a guided tour and see how OEMs and Suppliers are achieving functional Safety in ISO 26262, Automotive SPICE, and CMMI Compliance, faster.

Give us a call: USA +1 800 498 5351 – Europe +49 711 47099-0