Polarion4U Days

Let's connect in Hamburg

Hamburg 23-24 September 2024
Connect | Discover | Learn | Interact | Watch

📍 Location: SIEMENS AG - Hamburg

The Polarion user conference is a highly anticipated event that brings together a diverse community of users, experts, and enthusiasts from around the world. It serves as a platform to explore the latest advancements in Polarion technology, gain valuable insights from industry leaders, and discover innovative use cases and best practices.

See Full Agenda

Day 1
 September 23rd


Welcome & Registration

Time: 13:00 - 14:00

Duration: 60 min

Conference Center -  10th Floor
Lindenplatz. 2, 20099 Hamburg
📍 Location: Siemens AG, 

Opening Session

Time: 14:00 - 14:15
         Duration: 15 min 
achim   SIEMENS

Speaker: Achim Ruder, Head of DACH Sales Polarion

Opening Session  Polarion4U 2024 Hamburg, Germany

Workshops - Round 1 

Time: 14:15 - 15:00

Duration: 45 min per session

6 Hands-on targeted workshop sessions (repeated 3 times, so you can visit multiple)

1: Add-ons / Open Source  + Capella for Polarion Bridge - SBB/Deutsche Bahn
2: SWBOM and Cybersecurity - SIG
3: Proactive Risk Management - Nextedy
4: Integrated Management System in Polarion - Taipuva
5:Turning User Feedback into User Experience - Polarion UX team

6: Digital Requirement Management with AI


☕  15:00 - 15:30  Network Break (30 min)

Workshops - Round 2 

Time: 15:30 - 16:15

Duration: 45 min per session

1: Add-ons / Open Source  + Capella for Polarion Bridge - SBB/Deutsche Bahn
2: SWBOM and Cybersecurity - SIG
3: Proactive Risk Management - Nextedy
4: Integrated Management System in Polarion - Taipuva
5:Turning User Feedback into User Experience - Polarion UX team

6: Digital Requirement Management with AI


☕  16:15 - 16:45  Network Break (30 min)

Workshops - Round 3 

Time: 16:45 - 17:30

Duration: 45 min per session

1: Add-ons / Open Source  + Capella for Polarion Bridge - SBB/Deutsche Bahn
2: SWBOM and Cybersecurity - SIG
3: Proactive Risk Management - Nextedy
4: Integrated Management System in Polarion - Taipuva
5:Turning User Feedback into User Experience - Polarion UX team

6: Digital Requirement Management with AI


☕  17:30 - 19:00  Network Break (90 min)



Evening Mingle & Meet the Experts📍 Location: Hotel The Scotty - Kurt-Schumacher-Allee 14, 20097 Hamburg, Germany

Time: 19:00 - 22:00

Casual networking opportunity with like-minded professionals, fostering collaboration and idea exchange.  "Meet the Experts" for all your burning questions and to enhance your skills and knowledge of Polarion.

Dinner networking Style


Day 2  September 24th


Keynotes Customer Sessions

Welcome & Registration

Time: 8:00 - 8:45
         Duration: 45 min 
📍 Location: Siemens AG, Lindenplatz. 2, 20099 Hamburg, Germany



Opening Session

Time: 8:45 - 9:00
         Duration: 15 min 
achim   SIEMENS

Speaker: Achim Ruder, Head of DACH Sales Polarion

Abstract: Opening Session session for day 2 of Polarion4U

Industrial AI with purpose.
Siemens approach from research to value-adding AI.

Time: 9:00 - 10:00
         Duration: 60 min 
Springer  robert SIEMENS

Speakers: Sina Springer and Robert Lohmeyern from Siemens AI Lab

As Innovation- & Engagement Manager and ambassador at the Siemens AI Lab in Munich, Sina Springer and Robert Lohmeyer are at the forefront of bringing artificial intelligence out of the realm of theory into practical application in the real world – jointly with Siemens customers. With a passion for pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve, they play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between cutting-edge technology research at Siemens and industry challenges.

Abstract: As AI opens new horizons, it becomes increasingly important to ensure its applications are purposeful and materialize positive results. We take care of that. At Siemens AI Lab, we offer a dynamic platform for AI-based innovation projects and community exchange, focusing on creating purposeful AI solutions that balance investments while contributing to society. With our rich expertise, experience, and advanced technologies, combined with an organizational culture of innovation, we assist in crafting your AI-based unique selling proposition. The AI Lab’s approach ensures a scalable return on investment, aiming to capitalize on the AI market's annual growth. In parallel, we diligently adhere to the EU’s AI Act and uphold the highest standards of quality and reliability without overlooking meaningful intentions, global challenges, and sustainable goals.

Siemens AI Lab R&D 

☕  10:00 - 10:15  Network Break (15 min)


Polarion for Test Assignments - Managing physical and digital test assignments within the product development process at SCANIA / TRATON

clock-icon  Time: 10:15 - 10:45
         Duration: 30 min
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Speaker: Corinna Bertling, Business IT Analyst and Product Owner at SCANIA

Bio: Corinna holds a PhD in Organizational Behaviour and Innovation from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (Germany) and joined SCANIA as a Business IT Analyst in 2023. She is the responsible Product Owner for an IT application based on the POLARION Platform that supports the management of physical and digital test assignments within the product development process at SCANIA, and in the future for the whole global Group R&D of TRATON, e.g. with its partner brands MAN (Germany) and NAVISTAR (USA). She is also part of a leadership triad within the SAFe Agile transformation in TRATON in the role of RTE (Release Train Engineer) to enable constant synergy between product strategy and implementation within the domain of testing in product development.

Abstract: Polarion is used for a variety of projects within SCANIA and potentially within all other TRATON brands as well. One key project that enables and supports the management of physical and digital test assignments within the product development process is „Test Assignment“. The IT-tool provides business with an end-to-end support when it comes to testing needs in product development, such as planning, preparation for testing, testing & analysis as well as documentation and restoring of the test environment and allows for multiple valuable integrations to different systems and data bases. This presentation will introduce the business need for this particular tool, its implementation and value to the business as well as provide a quick look ahead to possible untapped potentials.

Case Management Test AssignmentProduct Development
Prototype Testing


Requirements Engineering with Polarion in an agile Organization

clock-icon  Time: 10:45 - 11:15
         Duration: 30 min
Thomas-Schmidt-Bosch-Rexroth   1200px-Logo_of_Bosch_Rexroth_AG.svg

Speaker: Thomas Schmidt, Project Director Bosch Rexroth AG - Process Management & Agile Standards at Bosch Rexroth

Abstract: Within this presentation we can see how Requirements and Systems Engineering can be applied successfully in an completely Agile Organization on enterprise level.
A further perspective is to have a closer look how Rexroth implements Polarion as part of it´s end to end digital content chain from Market to Market.

Industrial Machinery

☕  11:15 - 11:30  Network Break (15 min)


ASPICE is not a spice

clock-icon  Time: 11:30 - 12:00
         Duration: 30 min
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Speakers: Anna Makarova, Quality and Safety Manager at Stabilus GmbH Koblenz and Daniel Schartner,
Requirements Engineer at Stabilus GmbH Koblenz

Bio Anna: Since 2019, responsible for: International Tier1/ Tier2 system projects (door and tailgate actuator systems ASIL A). Development of the requirement management system with Polarion. 
Since 2022, responsible for: implementation of ASPICE Level 2 for in-house ECU and SW development projects with Polarion.

Bio Daniel: Since 2021 responsible for: Development and Administration of the requirement management system with Polarion. Implementation of ASPICE Level 2 for in-house ECU development project.
Update of Polarion regarding ASPICE requirements including Change Management, Configuration Management, Defect Management, Risk Management

Abstract: Fulfilling the ASPICE guidelines is not just a matter of adding a few documents just before an assessment, as some might assume. Following ASPICE, means infiltration of senseful process steps into the development cycles which provides to the overall R&D team a robust frame for structured work. Polarion and its capabilities helped Stabilus for the achievement of ASPICE Level 2 result beginning of this year. 

Automotive ASPICEReqIF


Requirements Engineering with Polarion: Software Development Projects in the Air and Ocean Transport Domains

clock-icon  Time: 12:00 - 12:30
         Duration: 30 min
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Speaker : Mathias Braun, Polarion Service Manager and Requirements Engineering Support at
DB Schenker, a global logistics company with around 1,850 locations and more than 72,700 employees worldwide.

Bio: Over the past decade, Mathias has held positions at DB Schenker with roles included Service Manager and Requirements Engineering Support Specialist. Experienced with IBM Rational DOORS system and Siemens Polarion Prior work experience includes IT consulting in various sectors, including Automotive, Rail, Aviation, and Mobile Communications.  Mathias holds a diploma in Media Informatics.

Abstract: To support the software development, Requirements Engineering is essential. In this presentation, I will talk about the use of Polarion at DB Schenker for various software projects in our air freight and ocean freight domains. You will hear about a global transport management system which is developed according to the V-model and multiple projects using agile approaches and how we synchronize between Polarion and external development tools.

Requirements Management Transport & logistics


🍽️ 12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH Network Break (60 min)


Cross enterprise engineering experiences with Polarion 

clock-icon  Time: 13:30 - 14:00
         Duration: 30 min
martin Knippenberg_Sjoerd em_logo_800px 

Speakers: Martin Langlotz, Team Leader Engineering Processes & Methods at :em engineering methods AG and Sjoerd Knippenberg

Bio: Dr. Martin Langlotz has been working at :em engineering methods AG since 2010, where he heads the team Engineering Processes & Methods .He has extensive project experience in the implementation and rollout of applicable methods in processes such as requirements engineering, engineering change management and configuration management. He works successfully with customers from many industries, including automotive, mechanical engineering, consumer goods and medical technology.
Martin was previously a research assistant at the Chair of Virtual Product Product Development at the TU Kaiserlautern. For more than 15 years, he has been an expert in the field of Product Lifecycle Management.
Bio: Dr. Sjoerd Knippenberg has been a member of the Engineering Processes and Methods team at :em engineering methods AG since 2023. He uses his expertise in requirements engineering and model-based systems engineering to drive the creation of innovative engineering solutions. He contributes to a wide range of customer projects in various industries, including automotive, marine, mechanical, and medical technology. Prior to joining :em engineering methods AG, Sjoerd was a research assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the TU Eindhoven. There he successfully developed a product platform for the renovation of ship locks in the Netherlands by applying advanced engineering concepts to complex challenges.

Abstract: Miele and its partners use Polarion in cross-enterprise engineering projects. The solution supports users in processes such as requirements engineering, integration & verification, change management, and review.
The presentation will provide insight into the implemented functionality. The focus will be on the working model of the „BizDevOps“ team responsible for the development and deployment of Polarion. Contributors to the team are Miele IT (responsible for IT operations), :em engineering methods AG (consulting in method development and implementation), Siemens (consulting in implementation), and specialists from the business units applying Polarion in Miele R&D. We are looking forward to share and discuss our lessons learned on „Do´s“ and „Dont´s“ from two successful release cycles with the audience. 

DevOps Change Management



Infusing Generative AI (GenAi) in Siemens Polarion for Requirements Engineering with HCLTech ‘s ALMate

clock-icon  Time: 14:00 - 14:30
         Duration: 30 min
Sunny Billava  Deodatt Bawachkar-1   hcltech-new-logo (1)

Speakers: Sunny Billava, Head, nexALM CoE (ALM, GenAi & DevOps) at  HCLTech and Deodatt Bawachkar, Head of Digital Design EMEA (Digital Transformation Unit)) at HCLTech

Bio: Sunny Billava, Head of nexALM CoE at HCLTech since 2018, Responsible for ALM solutions & services globally. With over 17 years of extensive experience with the Automotive, A&D, and Medical Devices industries, spearheading the ALM Solution development – Industry Solutions templates, GenAi Co-pilots, Integration frameworks, and Embedded DevSecOps.

Bio: Deodatt Bawachkar, based out of Munich Germany, heading the Digital Design with a focus on PLM in Europe. With 20+ years of experience in the software industry, including CAD and PLM, with expertise in Consulting, Solutioning, Delivery Incubation, and Program Management. Strong background in PLM with diverse industry exposure like automotive, CPG, medical and life sciences, EHT, and so on.

Abstract: Join us for an engaging session on ALMate, HCLTech’ s groundbreaking Gen AI solution tailored for Siemens Polarion. Explore how ALMate transforms Requirements Management by delivering sophisticated Requirements Quality Analysis and ensuring stringent compliance with INCOSE guidelines. This presentation will highlight ALMate’ s capabilities, including advanced automated requirements generation and intelligent quality assessment & prescription on quality improvement, providing users with a robust toolset to streamline and enhance their requirements engineering workflows. Discover how ALMate seamlessly integrates with Siemens Polarion, leveraging cutting-edge GPTs (LLMs & SLMs,) and empowering teams to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance in their projects.

Co-Pilot GenAi ChatGPT Requirements Quality Analysis 

☕  14:30 - 14:45  Network Break (15 min)


Unlocking Potential: Enhancements for Improved Polarion Utilization

clock-icon  Time: 14:45 - 15:15
         Duration: 30 min
Anna speaker_dummy adtran

Speakers: Speakers: Ania Gewald-Wilke, Principal Applications & Processes Analyst at Adtran and Marcin Grochowski, Principal Software Engineer at Adtran

Bio:Ania Gewald-Wilke bio: With 14 years of business analysis experience on various platforms, Anna is currently the Principal Applications & Processes Analyst at Adtran (formerly ADVA Optical Networking). As part of the Global Application Development Team, she is responsible for managing and enhancing applications used within the CTO Organization, with a primary focus on Polarion. Additionally, Ania serves as a Product Owner within the team, ensuring that the product development aligns with business goals and user needs.

Bio: Marcin is a Principal Software Engineer in the Global Application Development Team at Adtran. With 21 years of professional experience, including 11 years at the current company working extensively with Polarion. His technical expertise and extensive involvement in numerous projects have significantly contributed to advancing Polarion functionalities. As a leader in the technical division of team, Marcin drives continuous innovation and efficiency enhancements within the organization.

Abstract: We would like to present several enhancements that significantly improve daily operations with Polarion in our company. These include a custom labeling solution for better organization, an attachment storage integration with Artifactory to resolve storage issues, and a rich comments extension that allows adding images and links to comments, enhancing collaboration. These functionalities streamline task management and optimize system performance.

DataStorage Optical Networking

AI-assisted engineering: Developing medical devices at the touch of a button?

clock-icon  Time: 15:15 - 15:45
         Duration: 30 min
johannes  ITK_Logo_RGB_original-1

Speaker: Johannes Waidmann specialist consultant at  ITK Engineering GmbH

Bio: Johannes Waidmann works at ITK Engineering GmbH in the QM/QA Healthcare division as a specialist consultant for the topic of ‘Regulation in Medical System Engineering’. For more than ten years, he has been involved in various system and software developments of different safety criticality, thematic focus, and scope. Interdisciplinary work with all practical problems of the applied development processes and product standards and regulations are part of Johannes Waidmann's daily work in various project, product, and customer constellations in the healthcare sector.

Abstract: Generative AI has recently begun to profoundly change the system and software development of medical devices. Based on the vision of ‘product development at the push of a button’, this talk will explore how AI could be integrated into the different phases of the development cycle in Polarion. We will look at various use cases from initial idea generation to implementation and the creation of test cases, while also addressing cross-cutting aspects such as AI-supported knowledge extraction. In addition to the tempting argument of increased efficiency, we would also like to sensitize people to the new role of humans in the context of responsible and compliant AI-assisted engineering. The aim here is to validate both the workflows and processes as well as the reliability of the tools.

AI Medical

☕  15:45 - 16:00  Network Break (15 min)


Polarion Tomorrow and Beyond

clock-icon  Time: 16:15 - 16:45
         Duration: 30 min
sibik  jandl SIEMENS

Speakers: Polarion's Product Management Team

Abstract: Polarion Product Management will walk you through all the latest features and improvements of Polarion as well as outline future strategic direction.

Product Management R&D 

✋🗣️  16:45 - 17:15  Panel Discussion Q&A
               All Speakers (30


Closing Session

Time: 17:15 - 17:20
         Duration: 5 min 
achim   SIEMENS

Speaker: Achim Ruder, Head of DACH Sales Polarion

Abstract: Wrap up of 2 days of Polarion4U